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Pricing Information

It is the practice of this firm to undertake work on a fixed-fee basis in order that our clients can understand at the outset what the costs of a particular legal assignment are going to be.


An initial consultation (either at our office or by modern means of communication) generally lasts for around one hour and costs £150 plus VAT at 20% (UK government tax on goods and services) if payable. During that consultation we will advise you as to the legal options available on the facts of your case, the procedures that need to be followed in respect of those options and the evidence required to support a suitable application. Should you thereafter wish to instruct this firm to further advise and assist in the preparation of such an application we shall provide a written estimate of fees and the type of factors that will determine what the final price is likely to be. For the avoidance of doubt, our estimate would always include time spent in considering documents supplied by our client, attending on our client, and preparing, submitting and following-up an application to the date of decision by an official acting on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Home Department. Should later work be required such as, for example, an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal or an application for judicial review to the Upper Tribunal or Administrative Court, additional legal fees would inevitably be incurred.


As a general guide, applications on human rights grounds such as an application for regularisation of status on the basis of a family and/or private life established in the UK or for entry clearance applications by family members seeking to enter the UK often incur legal fees of around £2,000 to £4,000 plus VAT at 20% if payable, whilst applications for extensions or variations of existing leave to remain (such as an application as a partner or a points-based system migrant) would often incur legal fees of around £1,500 to £3,000 plus VAT at 20%. Applications for registration or naturalisation as a British citizen can be either relatively straightforward or extremely complex so meaning that legal fees can range between £1500 plus VAT to £4000 plus VAT. No case is identical which is why during the initial consultation we strive to provide not only advice specific to the facts of the case but also an estimate of legal fees appropriate to those facts. In addition to our firm’s legal fees, there will usually be separate (and often substantial) Government fees payable when an application is submitted to the Home Office or Her Majesty’s Passport Office. In addition, translation fees, expert’s fees and (should litigation be required) Court fees and Barristers fees may be incurred.


Home Office processing times vary dependent upon the type of application submitted, the method of submission and the pressures on the Home Office at any particular time. At the initial consultation, we explain the above and whether there is a ‘premium’ option available, albeit that this would incur an additional Home Office fee. We endeavour to provide an estimate of when a decision is likely to be made but we cannot guarantee the date in question. 


We have set out below details of our fees range in respect of some of the most common types of matters which we attend to under the categories of immigration, human rights and asylum. These relate to the services which we provide for both our corporate and private clients (individuals). Our fees range as set out below are based on the combination of our hourly rate of £100-150 per hour and our Firm’s costs in assisting with any particular type of application.


Our fees range is set up to take into account the complexity of each case and therefore the overall costs may vary depending on any complexities involved. Nevertheless, by setting out our fees range below, we aim to be transparent so to provide an accurate idea of costs relating to our services. Should you proceed with instructing us to assist you with your matter, our primary aim would be to keep you fully informed and updated regarding the likely overall costs to you in respect of your own specific case. We should also be able to inform you more accurately as to the anticipated overall costs within our fees range and structure once we have been presented with details of your case through your initial instructions.


Our fees range, as set out below, are based on costs relating to the full preparation of your intended application/appeal. They do therefore include, costs relating to the preparation and appointment arrangements from the start up to submission of your application and/or determination of your appeal by the Tribunal/Court. They do not include any applicable application fees to be paid directly to the Home Office and/or Tribunal/Courts; and/or Immigration Health Surcharge payments which, again, will have to paid directly to the Home Office by yourself as part of the application process. They also do not include any third-party costs such as translation costs, expert/medical reports etc.


We should also point out that our fees range, as set out below, also does not include any follow up work that may be required once your application/appeal has been finalised and submitted. If any such additional costs are going to be relevant to your matter, you will be informed accordingly during the course of our conduct of your matter.


The firm’s services cover the full spectrum of immigration related matters. Clients include both legally aided and privately funded individuals both from within and outside of the UK. Referrals are predominantly via specialist agencies and past or existing clients demonstrating a high level of client satisfaction flowing from the proactive and determined approach of fee


If advocacy services are required, we have established working links with leading chambers of specialist Barristers practicing in the immigration and asylum fields.


The firm holds Legal Aid contracts in both the Immigration and Asylum category.


Shervins Solicitors is an acknowledged specialist in the asylum and related human rights field. Providing detailed advice and preparation pre-claim, clients are guided through the application process to ensure the prospects of a successful outcome at an early stage are maximised. Should a claim not be successful at first instance an appeal will be vigorously pursued.

The firm works with a team of professional and experienced interpreters and we are able to respond to client’s gender preferences in relation to both interpreters and fee earners.  We have experience of dealing with clients of different nationality; Iran, Somali Turkish, Pakistan, Eritrean, Ethiopian and others.

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